Competitive Link Analysis Report

Want to know how your website or Google Business Profile (GBP) compares to the top-ranked competitors for your desired keywords?

Our competitive link analysis reports will give you the data needed to accurately predict the number and type of links needed to outrank your competition.

We start by analyzing your target assets' (website and/or GBP) backlink and anchor text profile. 

Then we repeat this for each of the top five ranked competitors for up to three keywords (search queries). 

All of that data is added to an Excel workbook with visual graphs, providing you with the insight needed to determine:

  1. The number of links
  2. The perfect anchor text ratio
  3. The most appropriate topical categories (Majestic's Topical Trust Flow metric)
  • Report Only = 3 Business Days
  • With Review and Recommendation = 5 Business Days
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